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Environmental Health in Pastoral Communities.

Pastoral communities rely heavily on their natural environment for survival, including access to water, grazing lands, and clean air. However, they face significant challenges related to environmental health, such as waterborne diseases, poor sanitation, and the impacts of climate change. This strategy aims to address these challenges by improving environmental health systems, ensuring sustainable resource use, and fostering resilience to environmental risks. It has as vision to create healthier environments for pastoral communities, fostering sustainable livelihoods and reducing vulnerability to environmental health hazards,all of these with the Objectives of Improved access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), Mitigate health risks caused by environmental degradation and climate change, Promote sustainable management of natural resources, enhancing community resilience to environmental challenges through education and capacity building and Strengthening institutional support for environmental health interventions in pastoral areas .All these have Strategic Areas of focus notably;

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

*Clean Water Access,
*Sanitation Facilities

Hygiene Education

Climate Adaptation and Risk Reduction
– Disaster Preparedness
-Climate-Smart Practices

More to, Sustainable Resource Management, includes

– Land and Grazing Management

– Energy Solutions

Health and Disease Control

Vector Control

Mobile Health Services

Education and Capacity Building

– Train community leaders, youth, and women on environmental health practices. – Integrate environmental health topics into local education systems.
– Build local capacity to manage and maintain WASH and health infrastructure.